Monday, December 22, 2014

Recap of my MK journey

1:33 AM 0 Comments

Give thanks to God for the whole journey of Mary Kay, past present and future.

Joined Mary Kay

Red Jacket Day Achiever 
Red Jacket University Graduate 
Court of Personal Sales - Beauty Consultant  (No. 17 in whole Malaysia & Singapore)
Year of Consistency Star

Debut as Independent Sales Director of Mary Kay Malaysia and Solid Rock Unit is formed.
Achieved Pink Car Challenge. Solid Rock is proudly a Pink Car Unit in Jan 2014.
Fabulous 50 Achiever
Year of Consistency Star
Court of Personal Sales - Sales Director (No. 29 in whole Malaysia & Singapore)

Achieved 'Catch the Dream' Dallas Challenge
Debut as Independent Senior Sales Director of Mary Kay Malaysia. First offspring, Audrey Thien.
Year of Consistency Star
Court of Personal Sales  (No. 13 in whole Malaysia & Singapore)
Court of Unit Production  (No. 8 in whole Malaysia & Singapore)
Circle of Achievement
Double Star Award Achiever

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mary Kay Dallas Catch the Dream, Farewell dance dinner, Day 3 (20-25 May 2014)

12:50 AM 0 Comments
 Singing and Dancing and Eating @ South Folk Range.

The dancing crowd

 touring around the place where the drama, Dallas, was film.

 With our Asia Pacific President, KK Chua. A devoted follower of Christ. The week before he came to Dallas, he just had a heart operation. With the letter from doctor proving his fitness, the boss allowed him to come Dallas. During his closing session, he started like this, " Not many people know that i have had a heart operation last week. My wife asked me why i still want to go to Dallas after operation. My Mary Kay job is my mission... If the Lord takes my life anytime, I will still go Dallas...   If you dont know why you come to Dallas, I pity you, because you took such a long hours flight to fly all the way here... we have a mission. Mary Kay is a mission." Yes, the mission to help women. 

 Here in Dallas, on the banner, I wrote, NSD in 2016.